

  • Outcomes for Every Step of the Journey

    As students progress through each grade, they will be able to demonstrate skills that reflect 十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金’s 任务 Statement by engaging and educating their hearts, 思想, 和手. Here is what parents will see in their children:



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    Respect, Responsibility, Empathy
    • Respect for self, family and school
    • Taking responsibility for their actions
    • A developing empathy for others
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    Creativity, Collaboration, Purpose
    • A sense of wonder, curiosity, and inquisitiveness
    • A creative problem-solver and risk-taker
    • Developing independence and responsibility, with a spirit of collaboration
    • Purposeful in making decisions
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    Exploration, Experiences, Communication
    • Investigating, exploring and creating
    • Participating in multi-sensory experience
    • Caring for self and the environment
    • Developing a range of communication skills

等级3 - 5


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    Humility, Perspective, Responsibility
    • Humility: recognizing the needs of many may outweigh the needs of a few
    • An appreciation for diverse perspectives
    • Taking responsibility for their actions through kindness, honesty, and compassion
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    Awareness, Creativity, Collaboration, Curiosity
    • A developing awareness of themselves as learners
    • Individuality through creative thinking
    • Collaboration and problem-solving skills
    • Curiosity and resourcefulness as risk-takers
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    Engagement, Development, Growing Confidence
    • Engagement in active learning
    • Initiative and follow through
    • Developing skills, talents and interests
    • Growing confidence as a participant within and beyond our Lower School community

6 - 8年级


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    Integrity, Empathy, Courage, Awareness
    • 诚信深化
    • Empathy: compassion for others, even if their views are different from their own
    • Courage to be themselves and allow others to be themselves
    • An awareness of community and the individual's ability to effect change
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    Independence, Self-Reflection, Innovative, Inquisitiveness
    • Increasing independence, initiative, and resilience
    • Self-reflection to develop a growth 思想et
    • Innovative and creative problem-solving
    • Inquisitiveness and a receptiveness to new ideas and experiences
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    Engagement, Inquisitive, Motivation, Growth
    • Active engagement as a learner who is developing personal interests and skills
    • An inquisitive and playful nature
    • Motivation towards contributing to the common good with action and/or advocacy
    • Growing ability to inspire others to contribute to their full potential

9 - 12年级


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    Honor, Integrity, Sensitivity, Courage, Skills
    • Honor, integrity, and respect for self and others
    • Sensitivity to the needs of others
    • Courage and confidence in their own potential
    • Skill as a community builder
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    Critical Thinking, Resilience, Engagement
    • Critical thinking and problem-solving
    • Resilience as risk-takers
    • Intellectually engaged, reflective, and independent approach to learning
    • Ability to engage respectfully with diverse perspectives
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    Communication, Engagement, Innovative, Motivation
    • 积极的倾听者, and effective public speaker, and a skilled communicator in a variety of situations and media
    • An engaged and well-informed citizen of the local and global community
    • An innovative and curious experimenter
    • 积极主动